New at Hairoyal
A small piece of luxury: HAIROYAL® luxury line
Straight structure, 100 % russian real-remy-hair.
25 strands in a beautyful length of 40 cm.
This real hair comes from russia, has a top-quality and a very healthy cuticle.
The stands has a keratin bonding so you can attach them directly with a heat gun .
New at Hairoyal
A small piece of luxury: HAIROYAL® luxury line
Straight structure, 100 % russian real-remy-hair.
25 strands in a beautyful length of 50 cm.
This real hair comes from russia, has a top-quality and a very healthy cuticle.
The stands has a keratin bonding so you can attach them directly with a heat gun .
New at Hairoyal
A small piece of luxury: HAIROYAL® luxury line
Straight structure, 100 % russian real-remy-hair.
25 strands in a beautyful length of 50 cm.
This real hair comes from russia, has a top-quality and a very healthy cuticle.
The stands has a keratin bonding so you can attach them directly with a heat gun .
New at Hairoyal
A small piece of luxury: HAIROYAL® luxury line
Straight structure, 100 % russian real-remy-hair.
25 strands in a beautyful length of 60 cm.
This real hair comes from russia, has a top-quality and a very healthy cuticle.
The stands has a keratin bonding so you can attach them directly with a heat gun .
Ideal for fine hair - our HAIROYAL®-Extensions in straight structure, made from Indian Remy Hair.
This human hair comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with a healthy
cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The extensions
have already a bonding made of keratin and can be applied with heat directly.
Ideal for fine hair - our HAIROYAL®-Extensions in wavy structure, made from Indian Remy Hair.
This human hair comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with a healthy
cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The extensions
have already a bonding made of keratin and can be applied with heat directly.
Ideal for fine hair - our HAIROYAL®-Extensions in straight structure, made from Indian Remy Hair.
This human hair comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with a healthy
cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The extensions
have already a bonding made of keratin and can be applied with heat directly.
Ideal for fine hair - our HAIROYAL®-Extensions in wavy structure, made from Indian Remy Hair.
This human hair comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with a healthy
cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The extensions
have already a bonding made of keratin and can be applied with heat directly.
Ideal für feines Haar: HAIROYAL® Bonding-Extensions in glatter Struktur, gefertigt aus 100 % indischem Remyhaar.
Hochwertiges Echthaar aus Südindien, sorgfältig ausgewählt und schonend verarbeitet. Mit einem Keratinbonding versehen, können die Strähnen einfach mit einer Wärmezange oder einem Ultraschallgerät eingearbeitet werden, für ein natürliches Aussehen und langanhaltenden Tragekomfort. Erleben Sie jetzt Haarverlängerungen zum erschwinglichen Preis!
100 Extensions in 60 cm Länge und glatter Struktur + 1 Profi-Extensions-Holzbürste von Hairoyal®
Unsere Empfehlung: Die Pflegeprodukte der Teebaum-Öl Serie, die das Haar sanft pflegen und Ihre Extensions seidig und glänzend halten.
Hier finden Sie hinfreiche Tipps.