Everything you need for the first application of your hairoyal luxury line tape extensions hair extensions.Content:5x hairoyal luxus line tape extensions (20 single tape strands = 10 sandwiches).1x hr-tape-stripes (24 tape strips)1x hr-tape pliers (in silver or black)1x hr-tape-remover (content 118 ml)20,11 € savings compared to single purchase!
Everything you need for the first application of your hairoyal luxury line tape extensions hair extensions.Content:5x hairoyal luxus line tape extensions wavy (20 single tape strands = 10 sandwiches).1x hr-tape-stripes (24 tape strips)1x hr-tape pliers (in silver or black)1x hr-tape-remover (content 118 ml)20,11 € savings compared to single purchase!
Ideal für feines Haar: HAIROYAL® Bonding-Extensions in glatter Struktur, gefertigt aus 100 % indischem Remyhaar.
Hochwertiges Echthaar aus Südindien, sorgfältig ausgewählt und schonend verarbeitet. Mit einem Keratinbonding versehen, können die Strähnen einfach mit einer Wärmezange oder einem Ultraschallgerät eingearbeitet werden, für ein natürliches Aussehen und langanhaltenden Tragekomfort. Erleben Sie jetzt Haarverlängerungen zum erschwinglichen Preis!
100 Extensions in 60 cm Länge und glatter Struktur + 1 Profi-Extensions-Holzbürste von Hairoyal®
Unsere Empfehlung: Die Pflegeprodukte der Teebaum-Öl Serie, die das Haar sanft pflegen und Ihre Extensions seidig und glänzend halten.
Hier finden Sie hinfreiche Tipps.
Ideal for fine hair - our HAIROYAL®-Extensions, made from Indian Remy Hair.
100 Extensions in length of 60 cm and straight structure + 1 Professional Extensions Brush of Hairoyal®
This human hair comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with a healthy
cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The extensions
have already a bonding made of keratin and can be applied with heat directly.
Ideal for fine hair - our HAIROYAL®-Extensions, made from Indian Remy Hair.
100 Extensions in length of 60 cm and straight structure + 1 Professional Extensions Brush of Hairoyal®
This human hair comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with a healthy
cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The extensions
have already a bonding made of keratin and can be applied with heat directly.
Hairoyal® Starterset
Content: 1 heating clamp, 1 compression plier (2,5 mm; 4 mm or 6 mm), 1 removing plier, 1 remover (8,60 EUR incl. VAT / 100 ml), 1 professional brush, 1 human hair colour ring with all 25 natural-colours, 5 spacer + 2 clips, 1 comb
Free movable connector with teflon coating and a 360 degrees swivel cable. The plier allows a safe and easy application, is easy-to-transport and will be connected to a common 220 volt plug. With control lamp and adjustable temperature of 100 - 220 degrees Celsius. For each type of keratin you can adjust the temperature individually, so softer keratin can not burn and hard shell keratin becomes softer.
ADVANTAGE: The heating clamp get hot on both sides.
You save 47,56 EUR compared to the single purchase!
Hairoyal® Starterset
Inhalt: 1 Wärmezange, 1 Kompressionszange (2,5 mm; 4 mm oder 6 mm), 1 Entfernerzange, 1 Remover (8,60 EUR inkl. MwSt. / 100 ml), 1 Hairoyal Extensionsbürste, 1 Echthaarfarbring mit 39 Farben, 5 Abstandshalter + 2 Klemmen, 1 Abteilkamm
Frei beweglicher Connector mit Teflonbeschichtung, mit um 360 Grad schwenkbarem Kabel. Die Applikationszange ermöglicht eine sichere und einfache Einarbeitung, ist leicht zu transportieren und wird an gängige 220-Volt-Anschlüsse angeschlossen. Mit Kontrolllämpchen und einstellbarer Temperatur von 100 - 220 Grad Celsius. Für jede Keratinart können Sie die Temperatur individuell einstellen, somit kann weicheres Keratin nicht verbrennen und Hartschalenkeratine werden richtig weich.
Der Vorteil: Die Wärmezange wird an beiden Seiten heiß.
Sie sparen 36,81 EUR gegenüber dem Einzelkauf!
Schulung zur Haarverlängerung in Dresden - jetzt anmelden!
* Suggested retail price
Hairoyal Starterset incl. Hair Extension Training in Dresden
Content: 1 training, 1 heating clamp, 3 poster, 1 compression plier (2,5 mm; 4 mm or 6 mm), 1 removing plier, 1 remover (8,60 EUR incl. VAT / 100 ml), 1 professional brush, 1 human hair colour ringwith 39 colours, 5 spacer + 2 clips, 1 comb
Free movable connector with teflon coating and a 360 degrees swivel cable. The plier allows a safe and easy application, is easy-to-transport and will be connected to a common 220 volt plug. With control lamp and adjustable temperature of 100 - 220 degrees Celsius. For each type of keratin you can adjust the temperature individually, so softer keratin can not burn and hard shell keratin becomes softer.
ADVANTAGE: The heating clamp get hot on both sides.
You save 63,81 EUR compared to the single purchase!
High quality gift voucher, which optimally presents your salon. The noble card is a gift for your customers - it will be a positive surprise. On the card the name of the giver, the presentee, the amount, a credit card code and the validity can be noted. On the backside ist enough space for the stamp of your salon. Prices (incl. VAT) staggered: 20 Pieces = 19,64 EUR / 50 Pieces = 36,00 EUR / 100 Pieces = 58,90 EUR
The straight human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The wavy human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The straight human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The wavy human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The straight human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The wavy human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The straight human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The wavy human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The straight human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The wavy human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The straight human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The wavy human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The straight human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The wavy human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.
The straight human hair of our HAIROYAL®-Wefts comes from South India and is made of an excellent quality with
a healthy cuticle layer. The hair was carefully selected and handled in a gentle way. The fine weft border (ca. 1 m width)
- mechanically woven with a special stitch technique - is ideal for weaving technique and for separating
the weft into several pieces without hair loss. One hair weft with ca. 100 Gram is sufficient for a complete hair extension.